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Opportunity Details

Westchester Seniors Out Speaking (WSOS) - Northern Westchester

Westchester Library System is seeking additional volunteers to serve as presenters and counselors in Westchester Seniors Out Speaking (WSOS). WSOS volunteers deliver free services to help adults 60plus achieve a better understanding of Medicare health plans, prescription drug coverage, and other benefits available to seniors - saving them time and money. We serve over 12,000 senior citizens annually.

Currently we have over 75 volunteers. They are all ages and claim diverse interests, talents and origins. They have backgrounds in health care, law, business, education, the arts and more. While many of our volunteers are retired, some continue to work and all contribute their time on a flexible schedule that meets their needs.

WSOS meet monthly to participate in training from subject specialists, which includes the Medicare Rights Center. Our volunteers are comfortable using computers, have excellent interpersonal skills, and are able to provide 6-12 hours per month of consistent service.

Volunteers engage in one or more of the following programs:

  • Medicare Minute Offers brief, engaging, actionable information on specific aspects of Medicare. Volunteers present this information on a monthly basis to older adults at various sites throughout Westchester County. Following the presentation, volunteers remain to privately answer personal questions and concerns. A volunteer Medicare Minute Presenter is assigned a community center and is responsible for each month’s Medicare Minute. A script, teaching materials and handouts are provided by WSOS through an agreement with the Medicare Rights Center. Additionally, brief information on other services of interest to seniors is offered.

  • Senior Benefit Information Centers (SBIC) Volunteers have the opportunity to become a Senior Benefits Counselor at one of our centers operating in public libraries. As an SBIC counselor, you provide seniors with information about their health care insurance choices, various federal and state financial assistance programs, and provide help with related Medicare issues. SBICs are a walk-in service that also is supported by an email and telephone hotline. The walk-in sites include New Rochelle, Peekskill, Port Chester, Shrub Oak, Tarrytown, and Yonkers.

In addition to the opportunities described above, experienced volunteers are invited to support the delivery of presentations and workshops on related health care issues such as Medicare/ Medicaid dual eligibility and health care proxies. These presentations are offered at any venue that wants to present this important information to seniors in their community.


The opportunity date and time you are looking for is no longer available.
Volunteers Needed
Senior Services
People with Health-Based Concerns
Consulting & Professional Services

Age Minimum (with Adult): 55+, Minimum Age:55+

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