Thank you to all alumni who have invested their time in showing up since 1996.
LWAA VALUES: Community, Learning, Service.
LWAA MISSION: A community of leaders continuing our learning from Leadership Westchester to serve each other and our county.
LWAA VISION: LWAA is a unique, exclusive, and dynamic movement of leaders who are . . .
1. Challenging and inspiring each other to take ownership of the opportunities to actively lead and improve our community.
2. Confronting and enhancing our own thinking through a variety of self-designed learning programs and activities.
3. A visible, prominent, and trusted resource that people turn to for leadership throughout the community.
- Encourage new applicants
- LW Access Scholarship Fund
- Deepen your connection with Volunteer New York! (let's connect!)
LWAA Community:
- LWAA Directory (New 2024-25 password required)
- Leadership Westchester Graduation
- Recent Alum of the Year Recipients
LWAA Learning:
- Leadership Westchester Private Coaching
- LWAA Learning Series
- Mission Possible (March 2025)
- LW Annual Panel
NOW YOU ARE READY TO SERVE - Leadership Westchester Alum have a deeper understanding of nonprofit board responsibilities and key management tools and are great candidates for board service. There are countless places to align your personal priorities and passions with the important missions of locally-based organizations.
If you are interested in learning more about local nonprofit board openings, please email leadership@volunteernewyork.org
Find out how you can get a free 30-minute discovery call with a private coach dedicated to helping you stay on target and continue your growth as a leader.
2024 Alum of the Year
Emily Saltzman (LW’17)
Emily Saltzman (LW’17)
Westchester County Government
Emily Saltzman has served as Deputy Director of Operations for Westchester County government since January 1, 2018, coming into office from day one with County Executive George Latimer. In this role, Saltzman works with the Director of Operations to manage 34 County departments and offices overseeing budgets, senior staffing and programmatic initiatives.
During COVID, Emily and the County Operations team led the local response to this crisis by developing programs, managing the community health response and creating initiatives to assist food pantries, nonprofit organizations, religious institutions and small businesses during this unprecedented crisis. Saltzman has led an ongoing internal review of nonprofit contracting practices and works closely with Nonprofit Westchester, the Westchester Women’s Agenda, the Westchester County Association and other key stakeholders in the County.
A graduate of Dartmouth College with a Master’s in Public Administration from Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs, Saltzman began her career in Washington, D.C. and has served as Director of Community Affairs for Governor Andrew Cuomo and in roles at the NYC Council, the administration of Governor Mario M. Cuomo, and NYS Homes and Community Renewal.
A proud 2017 Leadership Westchester graduate, Saltzman and her family have lived in Westchester County since 2000.
Recent Graduates from Leadership Westchester:
(Affiliations listed are from their time of graduation)
Class of 2024
Marykate Acquisto, The Quinn Law Firm
Veronica Bazan, M&Women's Enterprise Development Center
Dana Belin, Honey Beez Childcare Center
Mary Benjamin, Westchester Parks Foundation
Jonathan Campozano, Neighbors Link
Yin Choy Chen, R2M Realty, Inc.
Jordan Cormier, Youth Shelter Program of Westchester
Juan Diaz, M&T Bank
Jessica Friedlander, Volunteer New York!
Bruce Jackson, Feeding Westchester
Nikhil Jagga, CMIT Solutions
Adam Kintish, M&T Bank
Tuesday Paige McDonald, City of Peekskill Youth Bureau
Travis Melby, SUNY Westchester Community College
Kara Pacheco, Webster Bank
Victor Parada
Becky Silverstein
Allashia Smith-Harris (Allie), ACT Institute
Andre Thompson
Robin White, AT&T