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Independent Youth Opportunities For:

Ages 13  |  Ages 14-15  |  Ages 16-17

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Volunteer with a Parent/Guardian

Many opportunities are open to youth under 18 if they are accompanied by a parent or guardian. These are the perfect activities to do together as a family, and some are appropriate for volunteers as young as three years old.

These opportunities help parents to introduce their kids to the spirit of service and the importance of giving back in a fun, safe and meaningful environment. The opportunities for teens that require a parent or guardian are often skills-based and may offer an interesting experience or learning opportunity.

The following opportunities are divided into two groups: opportunities where the minimum age to volunteer with a parent or guardian is 12 years old and younger, and opportunities where the minimum age to volunteer with a parent or guardian is 13-17 years old.


IMPORTANT: School-issued email addresses do not allow communications from outside of the school's network. To ensure that Volunteer New York! and its partner nonprofits can reach you about your volunteer projects, please avoid using your school-issued email address.


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Minimum Volunteer Age WITH an Adult: Ages 3-12



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Minimum Volunteer Age WITH an Adult: Ages 13-17

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