Opportunity Details
Diapers and Baby Wipes Drive
The Sharing Shelf is Westchester's clothing bank for children founded to combat clothing insecurity among low-income families in the community. It collects new and gently used clothing for infants, children, and teens that is then distributed at no cost to local, low-income children throughout Westchester County. Sharing Shelf also provides basic daily essentials such as diapers, wipes, feminine hygiene products, and toiletries.
Unfortunately, many low-income families have a hard choice to make when assessing their needs: purchase food or purchase diapers. As a result, babies are left in soiled diapers for lengthy periods of time, leading to negative health consequences. Most day care centers also require a parent to provide enough diapers, which means parents without an adequate supply will need to miss work days.
Volunteers are needed to step in! Please collect new diapers and wipes—especially pull-ups and diapers in sizes 4-6—to assist these families in need.
Express interest below to get started!Age Minimum (with Adult): 5+, Minimum Age:13+
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