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Opportunity Details

2022-2023 Craft Project Leaders

The Extended Family ​provides meaningful activities for adults with intellectual or physical disabilities in a fun, relaxed atmosphere. Activities include creating hand-decorated boxes, key rings, tote bags, and other gifts that can then be donated to essential workers. Other projects include weighing and packing dried ingredients that can be donated to food pantries. These sessions take place both in-person and online (via Zoom).

Volunteers are needed to think of and plan new project ideas. This is a great opportunity for college students as well as retired teachers, especially those with experience in special education!

Craft Project Leaders will:

  • Brainstorm, develop, and test new creative project ideas for class sessions
  • Research suppliers, order materials, and track inventory
  • Test project to include all aspects of how the project would be executed, as well as packaging and shipping to Zoom participants
  • Capture instructions for IDD/PD participants with adaptive solutions as needed
  • Identify ways to connect with the local community organizations to determine their needs and to see if the Extended Family might be able to support or partner with them. Examples of prior projects include hand-decorated boxes, plaques, key rings, tote bags, as well as food products such as dried bean soups, granola, cereal, candy
The opportunity date and time you are looking for is no longer available.
People with Disabilities
People with Disabilities
Event Organizing,Arts, Crafts & Letter-Making

Age Minimum (with Adult): 21+, Minimum Age:21+

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  • Choose an existing team you're already a member or captain of, or
  • Create a new team to sign up.

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