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Opportunity Details

2022 Help Prep for Fall with Yard Clearing and Bulb Planting (Chappaqua)

Volunteers will be raking and clearing garden areas around the A-HOME affordable housing and prepping for the Fall. Volunteers will also plant daffodil bulbs. A-HOME is a not-for-profit community-based organization that works to strengthen northern Westchester neighborhoods by providing people safe and affordable places to live - the foundation of a stable life. Serving low-income seniors, adults with disabilities and single parent families, who because of age, disability, or family status, cannot afford market rate rents. Volunteers must be at least 18 years old, or 5 - 17 years old with an adult and signed Youth Waiver to participate in this event. Parking is on street in from of the house. Volunteers should wear seasonally appropriate clothing and bring their own gardening equipment if possible. Unfortunately, there is no bathroom availability. We ask that all volunteers who are 5 and older be vaccinated unless they have a compromised immune system. We are monitoring covid levels in the counties and will follow CDC guidelines for any masking requirements we might put in place. This project is a part of 9/11: Serve + Remember.

The opportunity date and time you are looking for is no longer available.
Civic & Community
Low-Income Communities, People with Disabilities
Cleaning,Gardening & Planting

Age Minimum (with Adult): 5+, Minimum Age:18+

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