Opportunity Details
Create Blankets for Project Linus - Iona University
Project Linus gives a new handmade blanket to children who are in a hospital, have been in an accident, in foster care, homeless, or in other challenging situations. Using just scissors, rulers and patterned fleece, volunteers will make no-sew blankets for children, so they have the feeling of home and the comfort of their own blanket. Volunteers must be at least 16 years old or 5 years old with an adult to participate in this event. All children 5 to 16 years old must be with an adult at all times and fill out a youth waiver. PARKING: There is parking in the garage which is a 0.2 mile walk to Spellman Hall. Look out for the signage to help. We ask that all volunteers who are 5 and older be vaccinated unless they have a compromised immune system. We are monitoring covid levels in the counties and will follow CDC guidelines for any masking requirements we might put in place This project is a part of 9/11: Serve + Remember.
Age Minimum (with Adult): 5+, Minimum Age:16+
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Signup Questions
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