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Opportunity Details

Snack Packs Drive for Students

Lifting Up Westchester is hosting a snack pack drive for the students of its Next Generation Youth Program, and it needs volunteers to help assemble snack packs at home and drop them off to Lifting up Westchester. This is a great DIY project for families, students, and colleagues.

Each snack pack should consist of 2-5 assorted items from the suggested list below:

  • Packets of snack crackers (cheese or peanut butter)
  • Chips (potato, Doritos)
  • Chocolate (bite-size bars)
  • Applesauce or fruit cups
  • Nature Valley bars (sweet and salty nut granola, oats and honey)
  • CLIF bars (peanut butter)
  • Kidz Zone bars (caramel crunch, yellow cupcake)
  • KIND Bars (almond and coconut, caramel crunch)
  • Welch's and Kellogg's fruit snacks
  • Beverage (small juice boxes or bottled water); please keep separate from the snack pack as it crushes the snacks!

To volunteer:

  1. Express interest below to alert the volunteer coordinator
  2. Click here to review the project and photos of what the snack packs should look like
  3. Purchase the items above and assemble them according to the instructions
  4. Keep an eye out for an email from the volunteer coordinator to schedule a time to drop off the snack packs. Each snack pack should be contained in their own individual lunch bags and the entire collection should be delivered in larger bags or totes (no boxes, please!)
Children & Youth Education
Families, Low-Income Communities
Collecting, Sorting & Packaging,Donations & Drives

Age Minimum (with Adult): 5+, Minimum Age:13+

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Express Interest

Volunteers needed through 1/9/2026 | More than 100 spots remaining
White Plains, NY, 10603
Nancy Inzinna

After expressing interest, the Opportunity Leader will contact you to confirm participation and provide directions for this opportunity.

Log in or Register

In order to register for this opportunity you must log in to an existing account or register to create a new account.


Sign up with a team

This link allows you to participate in this opportunity with a team. A team can be a family team, corporate team, or any kind of organized group. When you click on the link you will have the option to:

  • Choose an existing team you're already a member or captain of, or
  • Create a new team to sign up.

Signup Questions

Please respond to the following questions in order to signup for this opportunity:

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