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Opportunity Details

2023 Adult Mentors for Young Girls

One World Girl is looking for adult mentors to support its Changemakers Council of young girls as they develop and implement "Take Action" community projects. Each young girl will select a societal challenge that resonates with her and then develop and implement a plan of action to address that challenge. With the support of adult mentors, the Changemakers will learn how to set and accomplish their goals by brainstorming, developing, organizing, and implementing their projects. Their "Take Action" project is the culmination of all of their learning, leadership, and growth and allows young girls to put their passions, gifts, and abilities into action to positively impact society and become a changemaker in the world.

Adult Volunteer Mentors will be the primary contact for a young Changemaker during her "Take Action" project; they make suggestions and offer next steps to help guide their mentees in turning their ideas into a reality. Mentors' resourcefulness, consistency, patience, and generosity will be invaluable as they encourage their mentees to stay positive. Mentees are ultimately responsible for their projects, but their Mentors' support will help them feel a sense of direction and empowered during their journey.

Volunteer Mentor responsibilities and requirements:

  • Hold weekly check-ins via text, phone, Zoom, or email to ensure that both Mentor and mentee are actively engaged in the project and its planning
  • Help create a timeline that will help the mentee finish her project by the chosen deadline
  • Help find, connect, call, and write correspondence to possible community partners to support mentees' progress. (For example, a Mentor might brainstorm appropriate organizations to contact, review emails before they are sent, or help develop a script for phone calls)
  • Continue to reach out to the mentee even if the Mentor doesn't hear back. (Sometimes high school students get busy and distracted, so patience is required!)
  • Mentors should be 21+
  • All mentors must attend a two-hour Zoom training session before starting the project
  • All mentors must take part in individual interviews to discover interests; they will then be matched with an appropriate mentee and project
  • All mentors should be willing to submit to a background check, if needed

The overall time commitment as a Mentor is about 1-2 hours a week starting in early spring through the early summer. Every project schedule is different, and Mentors will be asked to attend the final presentation of the "Take Action" Project, whether that be in person or online. Express interest below to make a difference in the life of a young girl today!

The opportunity date and time you are looking for is no longer available.
Children & Youth Education
Mentoring & Youth Development

Age Minimum (with Adult): 21+, Minimum Age:21+

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This link allows you to participate in this opportunity with a team. A team can be a family team, corporate team, or any kind of organized group. When you click on the link you will have the option to:

  • Choose an existing team you're already a member or captain of, or
  • Create a new team to sign up.

Signup Questions

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