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Opportunity Details

Piano/Guitar Accompanist for Senior Singers

The Knolls is a vibrant independent living community for older adults, and many of them love to sing. Volunteer Accompanists who play piano or guitar are needed to lead the Knolls' musically inclined residents in small sing-along groups or choirs with the chance that the residents could then perform in front of their peers.

The volunteer would spend approximately 1 to 2 hours per week—typically on Tuesday and Friday evenings around 7:30 p.m. (though hours can be adjusted)—engaging residents in lively musical sessions. Express interest below to learn more!

The opportunity date and time you are looking for is no longer available.
Senior Services
Sports & Recreation

Age Minimum (with Adult): 18+, Minimum Age:18+

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  • Choose an existing team you're already a member or captain of, or
  • Create a new team to sign up.

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