Opportunity Details
2023 YoFiFest Social Media Volunteers and Interns
YoFiFest: the Yonkers Film Festival is an annual film festival that takes place in venues in the downtown Yonkers waterfront area. Reliable and enthusiastic volunteers are needed to help spread the word about the festival on social media platforms. Knowledge of the arts or film is a bonus, but not necessary. Volunteers should be familiar with the Lower Hudson Valley and can receive college credit internship or service hours if needed. Volunteers receive a tee shirt and invitation to attend the film festival when they're not working their shifts. (Please note: volunteers must be 21+ to attend any of the parties.)
Volunteers who love movies, social media, and working with local arts and education nonprofits should express interest below!
Now in its 11th year, the 2023 YoFiFest Film Festival returns in November to celebrate moving pictures, the people who make them, and the people who watch them. The festival is comprised of 10 days of screenings, a red carpet event, receptions, parties, workshops, panels, and networking events.
Voted by filmmakers as a "Top 100 Best Reviewed Festival" on FilmFreeway nine times, YoFiFest was created for filmmakers by filmmakers. Movie Maker Magazine says, "What stood out at YoFiFest was the organizers' obvious respect for the people who craft cinema and video."
Age Minimum (with Adult): 18+, Minimum Age:18+
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- Choose an existing team you're already a member or captain of, or
- Create a new team to sign up.
Signup Questions
Please respond to the following questions in order to signup for this opportunity: