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Opportunity Details

Volunteer Presenters for Students with Autism

The Mouth to Hand Learning Center's students are autistic and non-speaking, and most have only recently learned to communicate for the first time by spelling out words on a letterboard. Most of these students were previously assumed to be intellectually disabled, but given this opportunity to communicate by spelling, they have proven that they have average to above-average intelligence. They are all hungry to learn and do all of the things that they have missed out on, having not had access to the regular curriculum while they were in school due to the presumption that they wouldn't understand it.

Mouth to Hand Parent Association is looking for volunteers to help spark students' creativity and interests by delivering presentations about interesting topics, to speak about their hobby or career, or even perform an instrument or sing. All volunteer suggestions are welcome and volunteers could serve on a one-time basis or return on a regular schedule, such as weekly or monthly.

Express interest below to learn more and to suggest your presentation or activity idea!

The opportunity date and time you are looking for is no longer available.
People with Disabilities
People with Disabilities
Consulting & Professional Services,Mentoring & Youth Development

Age Minimum (with Adult): 16+, Minimum Age:18+

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