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Opportunity Details

Graduation Coaches

Yonkers Partners in Education (YPIE) partners with students to ensure they are ready for, enroll in, and complete college. It confronts the challenges of a low-income, urban school district by providing families with equitable access to the critical tools and services necessary for college success.

YPIE is seeking Graduation Coaches to develop meaningful relationships with Scholars, serve as conduits to broaden their horizons, provide connections to resources to help them reach their potential, and support them through high school graduation. Graduation Coaches meet with their Scholars two times per month and are provided a curriculum to guide those meetings.

Graduation Coaches match with YPIE Scholars in 10th grade and will establish a strong foundation for their relationship throughout high school. In 11th grade, a focus on college and career exploration leads to the start of the college application process. In 12th grade, under the supervision of YPIE college advising staff, Graduation Coaches guide scholars through college applications and celebrate their accomplishments upon graduation.

Graduation Coaches meet with their students both in-person (following appropriate COVID protocols) and virtually (video calls) at least once every three weeks. In-person meetings take place at the students' high schools or at the YPIE College Zone. Meetings may also occur in a public place (such as the library or coffee shop) with parental permission.

Graduation Coach Responsibilities

  • 10th Grade Year
    • Establish a strong relationship based on trust, clear communication, and having fun
    • Practice using active listening skills and providing supportive, honest feedback
    • Provide exposure to new opportunities and experiences outside of school
  • 11th Grade Year
    • Nurture strengths and talents while cultivating post-secondary aspirations
    • Serve as a cheerleader and guide for college exploration
    • Provide exposure to new opportunities and experiences outside of school
  • 12th Grade Year
    • Empower realistic goal-setting and thoughtful decision-making
    • Help navigate college application process and celebrate acceptances/graduation
    • Provide exposure to new opportunities and experiences outside of school


  • Sense of humor, positive mindset, and persistent attitude
  • Reflective listening and respectful communication skills
  • Desire to invest in the life of a young person
  • Commitment to a 3-year relationship
  • Ability to attend regularly scheduled YPIE trainings and professional development opportunities
The opportunity date and time you are looking for is no longer available.
Children & Youth Education
Mentoring & Youth Development

Age Minimum (with Adult): 21+, Minimum Age:21+

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  • Choose an existing team you're already a member or captain of, or
  • Create a new team to sign up.

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