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Opportunity Details

Board Members

A-HOME is seeking mission-focused and innovative thinkers looking to make a difference as part of its Board of Directors. Board Members attend monthly board meetings in person or virtually via Zoom (10 meetings a year) as well as participate in fundraising and events. Board members are expected to donate to the organization what they feel is appropriate given their financial situation. Expertise in fundraising, outreach, and property development are a plus. Involvement in various board committees are also available. Express interest below!

A-HOME is a not-for-profit, community-based, affordable housing agency working to strengthen northern Westchester neighborhoods by providing people safe and affordable places to live—the foundation of a stable life.

A-HOME's key activities include providing supportive, affordable rental housing for low- to very low-income older adults, single-parent families, and individuals with a disability. A-HOME properties are located in northern Westchester and have been developed by and are owned by A-HOME. It also provides property management for other non-for-profit organizations.

The opportunity date and time you are looking for is no longer available.
Hunger & Homelessness
Homeless, Low-Income Communities, People with Disabilities
Consulting & Professional Services,Board Service

Age Minimum (with Adult): 21+, Minimum Age:21+

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Sign up with a team

This link allows you to participate in this opportunity with a team. A team can be a family team, corporate team, or any kind of organized group. When you click on the link you will have the option to:

  • Choose an existing team you're already a member or captain of, or
  • Create a new team to sign up.

Signup Questions

Please respond to the following questions in order to signup for this opportunity:

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