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Opportunity Details

2024 Clothing Bank Summer Internship

The Sharing Shelf is looking for a college-aged Summer Intern.

The Sharing Shelf addresses clothing insecurity and meets the basic material needs of low-income children and teens in Westchester County. It is committed to the whole child, from birth through age 19, and provides each child served with a Wardrobe Pack—a week's worth of seasonally appropriate clothing—along with essentials including diapers for infants and toddlers, toiletry kits, period products, new socks, and new underwear.

Interns serve a minimum commitment of 6 weeks for 15 hours per week and learn all elements of running a clothing bank, from sorting clothes, recycling procedures, sizing, shelving, organizing, and packing clothing requests. It is looking for an intern with a flexible, can-do attitude that has a special interest in tackling clothing insecurity in Westchester County.

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The opportunity date and time you are looking for is no longer available.
Hunger & Homelessness, Internships & Employment
Families, Low-Income Communities
Collecting, Sorting & Packaging

Age Minimum (with Adult): 18+, Minimum Age:18+

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