Opportunity Details
2024 Grand Holiday Illumination
Untermyer Gardens' annual Grand Holiday Illumination is a magical event: the gardens are lit with 100,000 lights while recorded Christian, Hindu, Jewish, and Zoroastrian (ancient Persian) music plays. Visitors meanders through the garden and experience the wonder and joy of the season.
Welcome Table Volunteers are needed to greet visitors as they enter the garden, encourage them to sign up for the email newsletter (and perhaps make a donation), and give out free hot chocolate provided by the Untermyer Gardens Conservancy. There is a heated tent at the hot cocoa station, but all volunteers should dress warmly since this event is outdoors!
Volunteers must be 18+ to sign up by themselves, but volunteers as young as 12 can register alongside an adult if the adult selects "Sign Up With a Family, Group, or Team." Sign up for one or more shifts below!
Age Minimum (with Adult): 12+, Minimum Age:18+
Log in or Register
In order to register for this opportunity you must log in to an existing account or register to create a new account.
Sign up with a team
This link allows you to participate in this opportunity with a team. A team can be a family team, corporate team, or any kind of organized group. When you click on the link you will have the option to:
- Choose an existing team you're already a member or captain of, or
- Create a new team to sign up.
Signup Questions
Please respond to the following questions in order to signup for this opportunity: