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Organization Profile

The mission of Give More HUGS is to unite giving souls to help underprivileged students develop a lifelong love for learning, reading, and creativity. We envision that every student in the United States and around the world receive a quality education. Each year the GMH team and volunteers impact students’ lives through: (1) Community book drives to give books to underprivileged students to spark the love for reading; (2) Host book signing events to hand write messages inside books to promote literacy and provide words of encouragement (3) Engage high school and college students to complete “Dorm or Locker Raids” for school supplies to help fill backpacks full for students in need; and (4) Support students in need (refugees and at risk students) with new school supplies to start off the school year.

Children & Youth Education
Low-income Communities

© 2024 Volunteer New York!

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