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Organization Profile

Alexander Hamilton High School


Alexander Hamilton is a Junior/Senior High School enrolling 444 students in grades 7 through 12. Alexander Hamilton is accredited by the Board of Regents of the State of New York. It has also been approved and accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools. Our school represents diverse economic and cultural heritages, which add to the multicultural education our students receive. We recognize that each individual has unique abilities, talents, development levels and needs. Our diversity is an asset which enriches the life experience of our school and prepares our students to be competitive in college and their careers. Alexander Hamilton High Schools' program of study is designed to prepare students for transition into college and the workplace by providing a rigorous education. Our school has maintained a strong commitment to the education of all its students based on their individual gifts and needs.

Children & Youth Education
Elmsford, NY, 10523

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