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Organization Profile

Dear Mahopac Community, It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the 2019-2020 school year. Our goal is to continue to build an enriched learning environment where all children can achieve great success on reaching their fullest potential. The MCSD mission is to work with our families to encourage students to explore, discover, question and develop lifelong learning skills as critical thinkers and problem-solvers in an ever-changing world. The MCSD staff is made up of highly dedicated professionals who continue to develop their craft of teaching and learning. At Mahopac, we value the importance of feedback and a strong partnership between staff and parents. We encourage parents to reach out to staff with any concern or question. To learn more about our events and activities throughout the school year, please feel free to navigate our district and schools’ websites. We look forward to the beginning of the design phase of the District’s capital improvement plan. We will update you throughout the year at board meetings and on the district website with timelines and phases for the next three years. We look forward to welcoming our students for the first day of school on Wednesday, September 4. Please be reminded the MCSD parent portal will open on Friday, August 23, to allow you to see schedules, teachers and transportation schedules for your child for the school year. I wish you and your family an exciting and fulfilling 2019-2020 school year.

Mahopac, NY, 10541

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