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Organization Profile

New City Rotary Club


Welcome to New City Rotary New City Rotary has grown to approximately 78 members strong! It is by far the largest Rotary Club in RocklandCounty. The United States leads the way in total number of Rotarians, with more than 388,000 members. The second largest country is Japan with over 104,000 members, followed by India with 90,000 Rotarians. These three countries alone account for 50 percent of the Rotary population. Rotary is an international service organization of business and professional people who, as volunteers, address needs of their home and international communities. Rotary initiates local and global service projects to promote world understanding and peace and to improve the living conditions for people of all ages and cultures. The motto of Rotary is "Service Above Self."

Civic & Community
New City, NY, 10956

© 2024 Volunteer New York!

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