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Organization Profile

Town of Stony Point


History Lives With Us Nestled between the majestic Hudson River and the mountains of Harriman State Park, only 25 miles north of New York City, Stony Point is a town rich in the history. The story of America dots the landscape of a town that played a key role in our nation’s Independence. Previously the area was known by several different names such as Antioch, Flora Falls, North Haverstraw, Knight’s Corners and Caldwell’s Landing. Our history is rich with colonial Dutch and English settlers purchasing land from the Algonquin Indians. The town was formed by an act of the New York State Legislature on March 20, 1865. During the American Revolution, the King's Ferry in Stony Point linked New York City and the southern colonies with New England. King’s Ferry was often used by General George Washington's Continental Army, and in 1781 our French allies used en route to the Battle of Yorktown. The Stony Point Battlefield State Historic Site today marks the July 16, 1779 Battle of Stony Point in which General "Mad" Anthony Wayne led 1,350 Continental Army troops in a surprise attack just before midnight on against British garrison more then 500-strong. The victory against the odds is often viewed as a turning point in the Revolutionary War. The battlefield is now home to a museum and park where Revolutionary reenactments take place every year. The economy of the town grew with the rediscovery of limestone deposits in the 1800s. Stony Point is also home to the historic Stony Point Lighthouse, the oldest lighthouse on the Hudson River originally built in 1826. After World War II, Stony Point became home to the Hudson River National Defense Reserve Fleet. The Fleet of mothballed ships numbered 130 at its peak and called Stony Point home until 1971. Stony Point is also a gateway to New York’s beautiful State Park system, with Bear Mountain State Park, Inn and Zoo as well as the campgrounds, lakes and beaches of Harriman State Park located in large part in the town. Located in Rockland County, Stony Point sits on the western bank of the Hudson River, north of Haverstraw. Route 202 runs through its center. With a population of over 15,000, and an elevation of 282′, Stony Point is part of the New York Metropolitan Area.

Civic & Community
Families, Visitors & Travelers
Stony Point, NY, 10980

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