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Organization Profile

Velocity, Columbia's ride to end Cancer


Our goal is to end cancer as we know it. The Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center of Columbia University (HICCC) is on the cutting edge of cancer care and research. With your help, we can solve cancer. By riding 10, 25, 45, or 62.5 miles and raising essential funds to support HICCC, you're fueling the doctors, researchers, and patients in their quest to end cancer. As our professionally designed and fully supported route merges together from four Start Areas, we'll ride together as one to our finish line at Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC). We're riding to the end of cancer at Columbia. We're proving the power of Velocity. Velocity's unique model symbolizes the idea that when we come together, we gain momentum. And that momentum makes big things happen, even the end of cancer. As Velocity riders approach New York City and CUMC, they merge with others at several dedicated Start Areas. Together they gain momentum and become one unstoppable force as they cross the majestic George Washington Bridge on their way to the triumph of the finish line. After crossing the finish line, we'll celebrate at the Velocity Finish Line Festival.

Health & Wellness
People with Health-based Concerns

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