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Organization Profile

Mount Vernon Neighborhood Health Center


The Mount Vernon Neighborhood Health Center (MVNHC) Network consists of three health center satellites located in Mount Vernon, Yonkers, and Greenburgh, as well as the Edward Williams School-Based Health Program. MVNHC serves as a healthcare home to thousands of residents and families in lower-Westchester County and the Bronx. With over 40 years of healthcare delivery excellence with full accreditation from the Joint Commission, MVNHC stands as a flagship delivery model for excellent community healthcare—an efficient, safe, effective, and patient-centered healthcare delivery system that patients need and deserve. The MVNHC's mission is: To extend equally to all, regardless of their ability to pay, comprehensive health services of the highest quality in an atmosphere of humane care, dignity and respect; To promote and protect, as both innovator and advocate, the health and well-being of our clients, patients and members of our surrounding communities; To join with other health workers, agencies and with communities in a partnership which will enable our organization to promote and protect the total physical, mental and social health and well-being of the people.

Health & Wellness
Families, Low-income Communities, People with Health-based Concerns
Mount Vernon, NY, 10550

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