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Organization Profile

Fred’s Pantry, which serves families, veterans, children, and seniors in the Peekskill area, provides a weekly supply of healthy and nutritious food to those who need a helping hand. Established in 2010 in honor of Purple Heart veteran Fred London, this choice food pantry operates in a respectful manner allowing clients to make selections based on family size. Fred’s Pantry serves 100-125 families and over 400 individuals per week. It is open every Saturday morning and it is run by volunteers such as students, pantry clients who want to contribute, and community members. It also provides health and nutrition counseling, toys, books and clothing. Fred’s Pantry, in cooperation with St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, is administrated by Caring for the Hungry and Homeless of Peekskill (CHHOP) and is part of its mission to alleviate hunger and homelessness in the Peekskill area. CHHOP assists veterans, domestic violence survivors, and the chronically homeless by providing temporary and long-term housing, advocacy, and clinical and support services. Fred’s Pantry contributes to these goals by providing healthy and nutritious food to those in need on a weekly basis.

Hunger & Homelessness
Families, Homeless, Immigrants, Refugees or Ethnic Groups, Low-income Communities, Military/Veterans
Peekskill, NY, 10566

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