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Organization Profile

Consortium on Veteran and Military Affiliated Education


The mission of the Consortium on Veteran and Military Affiliated Education is to provide access to supportive programs, resources and services to student Veterans, Service members, and their dependents, and all College Professionals, to ensure students’ personal, academic and professional success. We are a diverse group of professionals with a common goal; to provide access to supportive programs, resources and services to student Veterans, Service members, and their dependents, and all College Professionals, to ensure students’ personal, academic and professional success. We come from private and public institutions that range from small liberal arts colleges to large universities. We span a wide area of NY State and hail from 15 counties from New York City to the North Country. Our members represent a cross-section of departments on their campuses – Admission, Advising, Bursar, Financial Aid, Health Services, Registrar, Student Development, and Veteran Services. We serve a population of students that are veterans, dependents of veterans, spouses of veterans, and active military members. The number of students that our campuses serve varies from the teens to hundreds.

Civic & Community, Schools
Poughkeepsie, NY, 12601

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