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Organization Profile

Hastings-on-Hudson Union Free School District


All students can learn. It is the district’s responsibility to prepare students with the knowledge, understanding, skills, and strategies they need to be productive, responsible citizens in a democratic society. We view our schools as communities of learners. Each individual is valued as a unique person and as a member of the larger group. We model a safe, caring community in which students, teachers, administrators, and parents have real opportunities for collaborative participation through which to attain our educational goals. We strive to help students develop lifelong capacities to enjoy learning, working, and relating to others. We value education because it is a process which helps each individual to achieve his/her maximum potential. Education helps to provide a person with the skills needed to succeed in a rapidly changing world, to function in harmony with the environment, to enjoy the fellowship of others, and to live cooperatively in society with respect for individual and group differences. It disciplines and broadens one’s outlook; it helps each individual to develop principles by which to guide actions, and values by which to measure them.

Children & Youth Education, Schools
Hastings-on-Hudson, NY, 10706

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