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Organization Profile

Hackensack Riverkeeper Inc.


Hackensack Riverkeeper defends the Public Trust resources of the Hackensack River Watershed through a fourfold strategy of environmental action, advocacy, education and litigation. The organization employs that strategy on behalf of the people and wildlife that depend on the river and its watershed for life. Hackensack Riverkeeper carries carry out its mission through a combination of formal and nonformal environmental education programs designed to raise awareness of the people of the Hackensack River Watershed. In everything we do, we work to protect, preserve and restore the various fish and wildlife habitats that exist within the watershed. Hackensack Riverkeeper is the citizen steward for the watershed and as such, promotes responsible, sustainable development. We work with local, county and regional planners to ensure that land-use planning decisions reflect up-to-date science and adhere to all applicable environmental laws and regulations. Hackensack Riverkeeper works to remediate centuries of pollution and associated environmental damage caused by the human community. To this end, we will always seek the best possible solutions to the many problems caused by the unfettered growth and sprawl development that have taken place within the watershed. Hackensack Riverkeeper is a resource to assist local, state and federal agencies identify sources of pollution; and work with those agencies to ensure compliance with and enforcement of environmental laws and regulations. When government agencies demonstrate inability or unwillingness to enforce the laws and regulations to protect our natural resources, we assume the role of citizen prosecutor and use the power of the courts to secure justice for the people and the ecosystems of the Hackensack River Watershed.

Visitors & Travelers
Hackensack, NJ, 07601

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