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Organization Profile

Tuckahoe Union Free School District


Uniquely situated just miles from New York City and White Plains, the Tuckahoe Union Free School District serves sections of Tuckahoe, Eastchester and Bronxville. The district prides itself on its rigorous curriculum, strong athletic and extracurricular programs, and supportive community. Nestled in a residential neighborhood, our three schools serve a diverse and close-knit student body of 1,100. Rich in accolades—William E. Cottle School was named a NYS High Performing School, Tuckahoe Middle School has been recognized a NYS Reward School and Tuckahoe High School was included on Newsweek's list of America's Best High Schools 2013—our schools are committed to academic excellence and fulfillment of the district mission “Preparing Every Student for Excellence.”

Children & Youth Education
Eastchester, NY, 10709

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