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Organization Profile

Town of North Salem


Tucked in the northeast corner of Westchester County, North Salem is home to 5,000 residents who enjoy 24 square miles of rural charm, community spirit, horses, open spaces and convenient access to New York City. The school system educates about 1,000 students yearly who enjoy playing sports on fields in two local parks. The town runs a popular summer day camp that attracts 500 children at Mountain Lakes Park. North Salem has an excellent small theatre, many fine restaurants, a very active Historical Society and a vibrant Library that serves as community center and sponsors programs from STEAMfest for kids to mahjong, art classes, book clubs, author talks and family events. Residents are committed to community service and volunteer in the ambulance corps, fire department, PTA, Lions Club and many other organizations.

Civic & Community
Families, Visitors & Travelers
North Salem, NY, 10560

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