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Organization Profile

Purchase College


Purchase College is located in the center of 500 acres of open fields and sprawling forests, about 30 miles (or a short train ride) north of New York City. We combine rigorous coursework in the liberal arts and sciences with world-class conservatory programs in the visual and performing arts. We’re the eccentric cousin of the SUNY family. We’re the dreamers, the DIYers, the future of arts and culture, of the humanities and the sciences. We’re passionate about everything—from rigorous coursework to current events to the music lineup at Culture Shock. We live on a collaborative and sustainable campus, and we work to create the kind of society we want to see in the world. We respect others, ourselves, and our surroundings as we grow into the people who will make real change someday. We’re inclusive, LGBTQ-welcoming, and always actively seeking new ways to foster diversity in our academic programs and on our campus.

Adult Education
Purchase, NY, 10577

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