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Organization Profile

Peekskill Celebration


What is Peekskill Celebration? Over the years, Peekskill Celebration has grown into an enormous community-wide show of pride. Celebration begins in May with the Teen Band Bonanza at the Paramount Center for the Arts. Events move outdoors for the Concert Series at Riverfront Green Park, held every Wednesday during July. The Celebration culminates with Festival Weekend, held on the first Friday, Saturday and Sunday in August, which features a national musical act, dragon boat races and a fireworks display, among many other events and activities. Admission to the grounds, entertainment, shuttle buses and parking are all free. Who Runs Peekskill Celebration? The festival is produced by the not-for-profit Peekskill Festivals, Inc. and is supported through site fees and sponsorships, along with advertising, raffle and memorabilia sales. Peekskill Celebration is grateful to its sponsors for their continued generosity throughout the years. To see a list of the businesses and organizations that ensure the Celebration maintains its high quality, please click here. Who Supports Peekskill Celebration? As a non-profit organization, Peekskill Celebration relies on the cheerful work of over 200 volunteers. An eight-person Board of Directors and dozens of committee chairs and members volunteer countless hours of service to ensure that the Celebration is the best event it can be. Local businesses, municipal officials, community groups and residents routinely make in-kind donations of goods or services. Where Does the Money Go? Peekskill Celebration is financially self-sufficient. Proceeds cover expenses involved with producing an event of this magnitude and surplus revenue is reinvested into improving the festival every year. As an organization that arose from the community, we are committed to giving back. Each year, for instance, we sponsor the Columbus Day Children's Races in Depew Park. In 2005, we donated $20,000 to the City of Peekskill Parks and Recreation Department for the purchase of the new Riverfront Stage. We look forward to expanding our positive impact on the community in the years to come.

Arts & Culture, Sports & Recreation, Other

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