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Organization Profile

Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture


The mission of Stone Barns Center is to create a healthy and sustainable food system that benefits us all. Located 25 miles north of Manhattan, Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture is a 501(c)3 nonprofit institution. We operate an 80-acre four-season farm and work to: Increase public awareness of healthy, seasonal and sustainable food. Train farmers in resilient, restorative farming techniques. Educate children about the sources of their food, and prepare them to steward the land that provides it. Join us as we celebrate, teach, and advance community-based food production and enjoyment. Explore our fields. Stroll through our pastures. Walk our woodlands, Talk with our farmers. Support our cause. Help us to improve the way America eats.

Environment, Other
Pocantico Hills, NY, 10591

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