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Organization Profile

Howard University Alumni Club of Westchester and Rockland


The Howard University Alumni Club of Westchester and Rockland is a constituent unit of the Howard University Alumni Association, an organization formed by Howard University, a tax-exempt entity pursuant to Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3). The Club assists in implementing the goals and purposes of the Howard University Alumni Association and represents the alumni of Westchester and Rockland counties, New York. The Clubýs Goals: Promote Howard University as an institution of academic excellence and encourage alumni participation through volunteerism and financial support for Howard University Promote closer fellowship among the alumni, community and the current student body Establish a medium for serving and supporting Howard University in the advancement of higher education Inform the alumni of Westchester and Rockland counties about their alma mater, its problems, needs plans and its progress toward the realization of its goals Recruit students to Howard University Assist in establishing scholarship programs for students at Howard University

Schools, Other

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