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Organization Profile

Patterson Chamber of Commerce


Our Mission The Patterson Chamber of Commerce is organized to advance the business, professional, commercial, industrial, civic, and general residential interests of the Town of Patterson and its- trade areas, and to preserve the democratic system of free enterprise by: Creating a better understanding and appreciation of the business person, and concern for his and her problems; Fostering business growth by designing and implementing programs which are intended to strengthen and expand the income potential of all classifications of existing businesses and professions in the trade area, to attract new businesses to the trade area, and to assist new businesses in the relocation process; Supporting civic, cultural, aesthetic, social, and recreational activities believed to be beneficial to the community and its citizens, and opposing those which might be detrimental; Taking an active part in Local, State, and National legislative and governmental affairs affecting the Town of Patterson, but no action is to be taken, nor any representation made without the express approval of the Board of Directors; And in general, promoting the welfare of all citizens in the Town of Patterson by establishing those policies intended to accomplish the greatest good for the greatest number.

Arts & Culture, Children & Youth Education, Civic & Community, Hunger & Homelessness, Senior Services, Sports & Recreation, Other

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