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Organization Profile

Town of Mamaroneck Community Services Office


The mission of the Community Services Officeýs Programs for the Aging is to provide assistance to local senior citizen residents and administer the following supportive programs and services. The Town of Mamaroneck Senior Center provides opportunities for local seniors to engage in a variety of social and recreational activities to increase their interactions with others and minimize isolation. Seniors are able to participate in experiences and events that might not otherwise be available or accessible to them. The Senior Center is open from 10:30 am ý 3:30 pm Monday through Friday. The Senior Nutrition Program provides a hot, nuritious mid-day meal to seniors age 60 and older. A congregate meal is provided daily at the Senior Center for those who are mobile and able to go out on a daily basis. A home-delivered meal is provided up to 6 days per week for home bound seniors who are unable to shop and prepare food on their own. The Senior Transportation Program is coordinated daily out of the Community Services office. Residents interested in transportation to the Senior Center, doctor appointments and grocery shopping contact Community Services to reserve a ride. Curb-to-curb round-trip bus transportation is provided daily to and from the Center, and weekly to local grocery stores. Car service is also provided on a daily basis to medical appointments, and is round-trip whenever possible.

Hunger & Homelessness, Senior Services
Families, Low-income Communities

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