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Organization Profile

Founded by a small group of dedicated parents in 1954 as the first non-profit organization of its kind in Rockland County, Today, The Arc Rockland provides supports and services to more than 1,200 children and adults with intellectual and other developmental disabilities. In addition, we are a key resource for information and referral regarding supports and services throughout the county, state and country. We are one of more than 40 chapters of The Arc's statewide organization, and we are affiliated with the national organization of The Arc. Together, we speak in a strong and united voice as advocates for the rights of people with disabilities. The Arc Rockland is proud of our active volunteer Board of Directors and Foundation Board,the members of which join with our professional staff and families to spread the word about the rights, responsibilities and capabilities of the people who count on us every day.

People with Disabilities
People with Disabilities
Congers, NY, 10920

© 2025 Volunteer New York!

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