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Organization Profile

Mamaroneck Shares


Mamaroneck, with its population from all over the world is a true melting pot known as “The Friendly Village”. This expression originated in the 1940’s and is used to describe residents’ attitude toward newcomers. Mamaroneck is a place for all to enjoy living in a community that embraces different cultures and appreciates their differences. There’s a real feeling of pride about this Village, and rightfully so. In fact, “Westchester Magazine” named Mamaroneck Village as the #5 destination spot in Westchester County (in large part, due to the success of our summer block parties in 2010) and CNN “Money Magazine” ranked the Village as #60 in the country (#1 in NY state). Mamaroneck Shares is a local not-for-profit organization created to raise money for local charities while increasing traffic to and awareness of our local businesses. This is accomplished by holding a number block parties throughout the summer months, celebrating Mamaroneck Village. The Mamaroneck Shares summer events are a unique opportunity to bring people into our Village and support our local businesses. We are fortunate to be able to close down the busier-than-ever Mamaroneck Avenue to expand our businesses onto the street while supporting our local charities.

Civic & Community
Low-income Communities, Visitors & Travelers
Mamaroneck, NY, 10543

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