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Organization Profile

Kids' Club of Tarrytown & Sleepy Hollow, Inc.


Kids' Club of Tarrytown & Sleepy Hollow, Inc. supports after-school and summer camp programs for local kids in need, supervised paid mentoring work experience for area teens, as well as a number of humanitarian efforts in the community. Kids' Club organizes and helps to fund scholarships for more than 100 at-risk kids to attend town and other local day camps. Many of these children would otherwise be left unsupervised after-school or during the summer months. Instead, our scholarships give them a fun and enriching camp experience that keeps them involved and engaged. Kids' Club also sponsors and funds a teen mentoring program, developed in conjunction with the Tarrytown Union Free School District. This program enables teens to get their first exposure to paid employment and its associated responsibilities, while giving younger students positive role models, academic help, and emotional support. Teen mentoring is pivotal in fostering greater self-esteem and academic success among both at-risk age groups in our local schools. Finally, Kids' Club sponsors and manages a grassroots organization called the Community Coalition (C2), an organization that coordinates numerous humanitarian efforts in the area, from monthly food pantries to holiday gift drives. Meetings are held the first Monday of every month at 8:30 am in the Tarrytown School District Administration boardroom.

Children & Youth Education
Tarrytown, NY, 10591

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