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Organization Profile

Colon Cancer Foundation


Our promise: To raise awareness of colorectal cancer (CRC), the importance of early detection and the most effective screening methods available. To increase awareness of CRC risk factors and factors that may help prevent CRC, including family/genetic history, exercise and nutrition. To reduce the disparity that exists in CRC incidence and mortality rates by providing funds to improve screening rates in underserved and uninsured communities. To award translational research grants to young investigators studying genetic and epigenetic changes that will ultimately lead to new breakthroughs in the prevention,therapy and elimination of CRC in our lifetime. To leverage the impact of our donors’ support by developing broad public/private partnerships with local, regional, and national organizations invested in a mutual goal of increasing national screening rates to 80% by 2018.

Civic & Community, Health & Wellness
People with Health-based Concerns
Port Chester, NY, 10573

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