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Organization Profile

Ujamaa Community Development Corp


Ujamaa Community Development Corporation is a nonprofit 501(c) (3) community based organization, located in Mount Vernon, New York. Ujamaa CDC was established by Grace Baptist Church under the direction of the Rev. Dr. W. Franklyn Richardson to serve as an institutional catalyst for economic and community development in Westchester County. As a not-for-profit entity, Grace CDC aims to: • Provide leadership in and form partnerships with private and public sector institutions to improve the quality of life for Westchester County residents • Establish programs and services to meet the broad and diverse socio-economic needs of Westchester County residents. Ujamaa CDC's five strategic focus areas include: 1. Business Development and Economic Revitalization 2. Job Training and Career Development 3. Home Ownership and Housing Development 4. Health Awareness and Prevention 5. Educational Enhancement

Children & Youth Education, Faith-Based Service
Low-income Communities
Mount Vernon, NY, 10550

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